• The connection between food and HIV survival

    The connection between food and HIV survival (this article originally appeared on the Toronto Star website http://thestar.blogs.com/worlddaily/2013/06/the-connection-between-food-and-hiv-survival.html Three decades after HIV first emerged, the virus is no longer a death sentence. Thanks to antiretroviral therapy drugs, a newly-diagnosed 20-year-old can now expect to live for 50 more years. But a new study by researchers in British Columbia underscores the…

  • Here I go Again!

    Remember that motto of mine? “Have suitcase, will travel!” Well, here I go again….. Where to you ask? Gantsi. It is the centre of Gantsi District and it’s claim to fame is that it is the furthest town from all other Botswana urban centers  The area is known for its indigenous peoples, the San. I am…

  • On A Serious Note

    On my next blog posting I had meant to tackle the serious of topic of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. I know! Thrilling topics but ones that are very important to the work that I am doing here in Botswana. Particularly after the meetings that I participated in last week. In every one of…

  • Ooops!!!

    Well. I managed to behave myself relatively well for five days but by Thursday the real Miss Cheryl couldn’t help sneaking out. We have been working very long days in teams of five reviewing the District Health Plans, which involves analysing the evidence and statistics on which the plans are based. Each planned activity is…